Monday, February 11, 2008

Hello From Me and Mr. Nolan

Just a moment with my friend and me. Thanks for visiting with us. if you would just left click twice on any picture and enlarge it for better viewing. Thanks.

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Join Us In A Moment of Happiness

Thanks and be happy for the realizations of a moment with a friend and host. This is the key to your ticket to the other side when you decide to leave this one. Without it you cannot cross over. There is nothing else you can take over with you. Think about this. Then go to and visi with us. Listen to all the free downloads and then decide is this for you. Follow us. Through to the distant future. Think of the December 24th photo of the Heaven Made Vehicles in which your Heaven made bodies travel! It is Heaven made manidfestation and Activation of your Heaven made body and Your Heaven made vehicle. Traveling through in space.
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Monday, February 4, 2008

My Favorite Guy...,

Mr. Nolan, Close a friend as anyone could choose. He hasn't been complaining about his stomack lately and he does eat quite well now. The family is somewhat vegitarian and although once in a while one of them does choose to taste meat or fish, they seem quite well on vegies.

Love the little guy!
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Touch of Love and Friendship

Just a moment between friends to express their love and joy in sharing a brunch special at Denny's. Me on the left, Mr. Nolan on my left and across the table - Ms Know it All at the far end of the table, Their Mom, Who feels I come across as a know it all. and my favorite Red Haired Mermaid, with the rosy cheeks and a stern aware of your not so hidden thoughts as they stand out like becons.
left click twice on the picture to enlarge
Love them with all my heart and look forward to a couple of hours with them once a week. After which we went to the library and then Stewart's for desert and then home. Mr. Nolan let me know how much he missed me and how much he looked forward to being with me once again. My mermaid let me know that they all enjoy sitting with me although she also enjoys the room of the long tables when eating. It is more comfortable.
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