Your ticket to heaven is the loving things that you accomplished or took part in while here on this side. We are supposed to have been learning through our expriences what love really is and how to achieve a heavenly plain of existance. Unfortunately we got caught up in our creations and decided to fault others for our misuse of powers and our fall. It wasn't my fault it was...., and so it went. Today we are using up our chips and credits and all our created education, economy, hopes and aspirations are what we are burning out. Time is shorter, even though we see it as 24 hours, it iis more like sixteen hours to our day. Call it summer school. We really are getting desperate and trying to see it as "Oh well! We all have to go some time!"
No it is not true. We do not have to age or be gone after all. This is just the story that you have bought into. recently some of us have found a way to break out of our story book writings and re-write it in a heavenly manner to experience a real heavenly plain where we may use the love that we really are in a loving manner and not in a human way of stressed losses and little make believe accomplishments to which we give laurels to each other, patting each others backs, etc., etc,
Some of us have found ways of healing others as well as ourselves in and out of time limitations. The dimension of space becomes accessible through our minds intent and focus. We affect each other and we effect a change in our energy fields at many levels and spaces. In fact we find we can be in multiple locations and be seen and communicated with. We once took time between my colleague and myself to address the health condition of my aunt. We triangulated our focus from Seattle and New York to San Antonio, Tx. We cleared a health problem in 24 hours with a affirmational healing that took a couple of minutes. We shifted the direction of Katrina in much the same way. Sam would have been in Corpus Christi and in some danger had it hit there. I know it sounds difficult to believe, but since we asked the Creative Source to make it so, There was not the same butterfly effect that would have occured if we had used our own abilities to achieve the shift.
We have to focus our mental intent of peace in our selves, at all levels and spaces from spirit to our hears, mind intent, emotions, psychic, grid, life forces, cellular level and physical reality by painting the picture that we would like to see as opposed to the one we fear as we see our collapse. It is only a play, a story book. We can let it go and choose to ascend to the heaven level, experience love and more. One does not have to get caught up in trying to change the picture at the Reality Level.
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