Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

Have a Safe and Happy New Year !!!

I will be driving tonight bringing people home.

"or" to where they prefer to be.

Friday, December 28, 2007

These are a couple of wild and crazy party girls, who have just had a lot of fun and are recounting the kiss that one experienced with a boy. Was it my hot, sexy little blonde or the hot and lovely brunette by her side!

It would be difficult for most to say which as they are both as playful as happy go lucky kittens. If you are not careful just starring at their eyes in the picture can cause a problem as it seems that they come alive and move!

Well Blonde is my weakness as she called for my taxi and was willing to wait for me even though there were three cabs in front of the place. I was all the way three towns away, but I was able to be their in twelve minutes. I called her and she and her friend quickly darted out of the club, delightfully swift sure movements of their legs and feet as they hopped over snow and slush toward the taxi. Jen called me by name assuring her delight in seeing me once more as I was delighted to see her.

I love the way she announciates her words in a singing sort of way. She doesn't just pronounce them. I am tempted to cuddle her warmly in my arms with delite as I used to cuddle my daughter and see her break out with her cheerful, loving laughter and brighten up my day.

Jen--I should have put my cell phone on record just to have you as more than just a memory of a rider in my cab -- Forever Yours.

By the way, what did you do for Christmas Eve!??

I had a visitor over for dinner, that I treated with Holistic Energy Practices five years ago and today she is still free of Breast Cancer. The hospital finally cleared the case off the books by going in under the fear based guise that they were helping her by removing the affected area!!! It should go down in Believe It or Not! Her doctor as also did the technicians who had recent biopsies of the breast advised her that they had found absolutely nothing other than healthy tissue. She is in favor of freedom of choice and wrote Oprah about her experiences.

I prepared the first entree, a Salad of mixed greens, chopped garlic, pickles, Shitake Mushrooms, Spanish Olives and Cherry Tomatoes the size of ping pong balls. (cut in half of course)

The second dish was a vegetable Stew with a clean fresh taste.

The third dish was Jasmine rice and Red and Pinto Beans with Bay Leaf and Cilantro.
Beans never tasted do good!

The fourth dish was Chicken Breast marinated lightly in a Oriental Peanut Sauce, smothered in White Cooking Onions and Baked in Parchment Wrap at 225 Degrees. This last item was set in the oven just as I started to serve each entree with time to eat and enjoy before the next was set before the guest.

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Monday, December 24, 2007

What Did I catch on this photo--We Are Not Alone! My Christmas Eve Gift To You!

This picture on the right came in from some place on the internet and it is interesting and further shows the intelligence in the center of the orb doing some work on healing the prior injury.

This picture on the left came in from some place on the internet I thought it interesting and felt to extend it to you for your evaluation. I will not add any to it. Just leave it open for your feelings. Often though a person thinks that they have made a contact with and receive instructions etc., from a source that is not from the light and later the so called special teacher manifest very evil and the person is by then so deep into the dark side that they have a problem breaking clean and clear.

This on the left and right is Snow falling! Thank You Emily for allowing me to visit with you as your loving father and you as my loving daughter. When you required it. I chose to come into physical form for you and others that I might be there as you required in your moment of need. I as is Sherry D. are here for you. I hope that you will give time to listen to our teachings that you may help in bringing Heaven to Earth.
I believe you may have on some circumstances caught a couple of orbs or odities while taking a picture of some scene or someone. Not like this picture below. It almost looks like a movie production clip. Inter or Intra dimensional orbs.
The heaven vehicle used by entities from locations other than Earth--the Merkaba. They are little child likeness (Merkaboth) sleeping, dreaming and it is their reality oft seen on the outer skin of the vehicle what they are seeing in mind. Think of it like a soap bubble reflecting images and scenery. They travel through the universes by the millions. We normally cannot see them with our eyes. but the digital camera captures them easily. No Tanya-it isn't snow. They are the vehicles we use as our higher source travels about. The Heaven made miracle vehicles are pearly white with a hint of powder blue. Our group uses them. Just check out
It was Christmas eve and I was out driving my taxi in Glenvile, NY, when I spotted a scene of farmer figures dancing in front of a set of four stalls complete with hay in a setting. I thought it looked quite nice. What I did not see was the Orbs in the night and when i downloaded the camera pictures into my computer - boy! Oh! Boy!!! Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Was I amazed!!! See the photo above to understand more of what I was actually looking at. The first photo is without enhancements! These Orbs are the Heaven manifested and activated miracle made in Heaven vehicles. Are they not the most beautiful that you have ever gazed upon! There were none of the normal red, blue, green or yellow orbs.

Source Perspective the middle east Highly Important!!!
It's written in the ancient Sanskrit texts known as the Vedas, that human civilizations have come and gone many times in the history of the Earth. After each time, the planet had to be repopulated and Cremo speculated that higher beings might have reseeded the planet with life forms. The Vedas also described 'vimanas'--different types of spacecraft that could travel between planets, subtle dimensions, and are pure consciousness. Cremo believes we are part of a multidimensional cosmos in which ordinary matter, subtle planes, and pure consciousness co-exist and are inhabited by beings in each of the different realms. Spirit communications, apparitions, UFOs, and possession are evidence of this, he said. He also posited that humankind has devolved from the realm of pure consciousness and "become covered with the lower energies of mind and matter which in this photo are seen not to be glowing with light ." The Orbs glowing with light are still connected to the creative source. That is not one of your normal Demi-Gods that we worship and empower with our beliefs.

I thank the True Source for my Heaven Made Spiritual Body and my Heaven made Spiritual Vehicle as well as my Heaven made Spiritual Mate. The Merkaba an instrument powerful enough to transport you to 7th Heaven, bringing you into contact with the 7 Angels of the Merkaba... this exciting tool that will serve as your 'chariot' to this inner state of bliss. The word Merkaba comes from ancient Egyptian texts, and is made up of 3 smaller words Mer-light, Ka-spirit, and Ba-body. Its Hebrew translation is Chariot, and in Egypt the word Merkaba refers to a rotating light that takes the spirit and body from one world into another. Even in Africa the Zulus describe the Merkaba as a 'dimension vehicle'. The Mandala comes from the Sanskrit word 'Sacred Circle', and it represents the circle of life, and our unconscious selves. It has long been used to go into trances and as a tool in meditation. When the forces of the Merkaba, Mandala and the Yantra are combined these ancient and powerful energies create...The Energy Force, the spiritual vehicle that will take you on the journey of a lifetime. What Is This Spiritual Journey and How Will it Change Your Life? A journey doesn't always involve physical movement, it can take place even in stillness. In fact, the journey to 7th Heaven is really the journey to a different state of being, a state of absolute enlightenment and joy. It is the place within each of us that those yogis, spiritual and religious Gurus, and great artists spend their lives trying to reach. Beethoven's sublime music...Shakespeare's outpourings of brilliant words...Van Gogh's beautiful paintings - that sell today for millions of dollars - all came from the same inspirational source...7th Heaven.

The Kabbalists saw the Merkaba as the mystical means to journey to the Seven Heavens, and believed the wheels of the chariot were made up of Angels. Through the Merkaba we arrive at the Throne of Glory. In other words, the heart of our soul and a state of complete spiritual enlightenment. In this dimension you will encounter the 7 Merkaboth...The 7 Seal Keeping Angels of 7th Heaven Archangel Gabriel, Zachariel, Raphael, Anahel, Samael, Zachiel, and the Angels of the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Hayyoth.

It is 'you' at your very purest, before life happened, when all were sleeping while the True Source created where we could experience our desired emotional love and return with it. That is our reason for Being. With all your wonderful attributes. In 7th Heaven we stop judging ourselves, and instead of regretting all the things we've done, or haven't done, we discover and celebrate who we really are...our perfect selves. We vibrate with Love! People feel it and are drawn to it. The Reason Your Journey Will be Successful For some, this journey inwards takes years of concentration and meditation, but with the True Source Energy Force--you can reach your 7th Heaven whenever you wish. in 7th Heaven and The World is at at your feet...for now One Foot in Heaven, One Foot in Reality. I am that loving presence that is in alliance with that one True and Perfect Power--The Source. My Mantra "Hari! Sha Dur Nam!" My Yantra, my teacher..., "The Loving Energy Body of Aton!"
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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas Greetings to All

Thinking of all of you and hoping that you let remorse and by gone's be as many would say "bury it, forget it, you can't take negativity with you from this life to the next point of existance of your striving to be in heaven.

Your ticket to heaven is the loving things that you accomplished or took part in while here on this side. We are supposed to have been learning through our expriences what love really is and how to achieve a heavenly plain of existance. Unfortunately we got caught up in our creations and decided to fault others for our misuse of powers and our fall. It wasn't my fault it was...., and so it went. Today we are using up our chips and credits and all our created education, economy, hopes and aspirations are what we are burning out. Time is shorter, even though we see it as 24 hours, it iis more like sixteen hours to our day. Call it summer school. We really are getting desperate and trying to see it as "Oh well! We all have to go some time!"

No it is not true. We do not have to age or be gone after all. This is just the story that you have bought into. recently some of us have found a way to break out of our story book writings and re-write it in a heavenly manner to experience a real heavenly plain where we may use the love that we really are in a loving manner and not in a human way of stressed losses and little make believe accomplishments to which we give laurels to each other, patting each others backs, etc., etc,

Some of us have found ways of healing others as well as ourselves in and out of time limitations. The dimension of space becomes accessible through our minds intent and focus. We affect each other and we effect a change in our energy fields at many levels and spaces. In fact we find we can be in multiple locations and be seen and communicated with. We once took time between my colleague and myself to address the health condition of my aunt. We triangulated our focus from Seattle and New York to San Antonio, Tx. We cleared a health problem in 24 hours with a affirmational healing that took a couple of minutes. We shifted the direction of Katrina in much the same way. Sam would have been in Corpus Christi and in some danger had it hit there. I know it sounds difficult to believe, but since we asked the Creative Source to make it so, There was not the same butterfly effect that would have occured if we had used our own abilities to achieve the shift.

We have to focus our mental intent of peace in our selves, at all levels and spaces from spirit to our hears, mind intent, emotions, psychic, grid, life forces, cellular level and physical reality by painting the picture that we would like to see as opposed to the one we fear as we see our collapse. It is only a play, a story book. We can let it go and choose to ascend to the heaven level, experience love and more. One does not have to get caught up in trying to change the picture at the Reality Level.
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Just a short time for breakfast at the local IHOP..., strange it is like my background HOPI?!

This is goood! Breakfast at IHOP!!!

Check this out. I have a nice touch for drawing!!!

Lots of fun before i start with my breakfast.

Oh! That's my sister - she is my best guide. She looks on with quiet interest and then is slightly disturbed by the photographer's camera, but doesn't say anything like disaproval.

Mom and my other sister just as interested in my drawing look on without commenting until I finish. Then they joyfully give their approval on my efforts!!!
Thank You Michael!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hope your Thanks giving was as full of life as mine was with Kendra and her Mom and friend!!

The Albino Deer is Rare-->

Blessings on You and Your Family!!!

Hi Pam, and Family! I know that you were more to yourselves this ThanksGiving Holiday what with all the family in travel to visit others and all. This I am sure left you to enjoy it within your own immediate family and I am sure there will be many memoirs of prior times in conversation, but the past is past and gone and one must remain open to the here and now and the future rather than live in the past. Your a very generous family and others may not appreciate you in the way you would like to be appreciated perhaps because of jealousy or envy. You though know that your giving with your heart and love and that is what counts when it comes to going across to the next point of experience: your loving experiences are your ticket across! Let the others remain where they will be trying to think of what to use as they have few if any loving experiences to provide passage. They will try to possess others even babies still in the womb inorder to relive and maybe gain safe passage. But they will only succeed in getting someone else to the same point they came to before unless the possessed can find out during their life and desposses themselves of a unwanted spirit. Such happend with D. H. when her relative died. She was left to ship out all photos and such to other relatives. Little did she expect to have to face a hot influence that entered her body from the lower extremes to her neck. I spent a few minutes in ordering it out and cleaning her energies and sending the unwanted beyond the universes never to return until it could be a postive asset to mankind. Well, enough for now. Happy Holidays to you over the next few weeks and Christmas as well as the New Year.-mick

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving in Cohoes with Kendra

Kendra greetings

and let me show off my talents
Tah! Tah Tah!! Yes its Kendra!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Food is for thought...

...and the moment she hears that she will be visiting with me - that is all she thinks about. From the moment I enter her mom's car she is hungry and letting everyone know about it. Her mom, a long time friend, takes me shopping for whatever I require. I drive a cab every night and therefore when I am off I try not to have to drive unless it is really required. That of coursce would only be going out of town for several days.

My friends in Healing

Hi! This little girl is my other friend who enjoys being very expressionate in all she does. She feels great and lets you know it. She has a very adult like way of taking care of the younger child especially her brother. Her love is sharks and dinosaurs and she knows all about them.

She is very selective about what she eats and takes only as much as she will eat of any particular item. I worried about her as she seemed slim. Apparently she is okay. Her muscles are tight, little fat anywhere. She swims like a mermaid as her body undulates through the water with her arms along side her, her finger tips just daintly moving for balance and direction and her feet splashing little water as though she had fins rather that human feet.

Lunch at Capital

This is my favorite time. Lunch with my friends and getting to know them better. My days off are spent doing the things that are required like shopping, getting a hair cut and managing to entertain myself and my friends.

This little guy was desperately ill abdominally a few weeks ago when his mom brought him to me. I taught her a affirmational prayer system that I have on my other blog and today as you can see he is still being tested. His mom has changed his diet and used yougurt to address some of the problem. KanGen water to address the other and he seems to be doing fine.

Monday, November 19, 2007

A Candidate for Success

This little lady came out of the bus terminal at four fifty in the morning. Bright, lovely, looking very spiffy, refreshed and energetic. We met as I was waiting for any fare to come to my taxi. She approached the taxi and I motioned for her to come to the front as the heat gets there better than in the back seats due to a protective panel that the city ordered to prevent people from stabbing or shooting the driver during attempted holdups. I personally feel safe with the ability to neutralize the attempt using mind links that are part of the training in holistic areas such as being aware of others feelings which sometimes is so strong that reading the mind happens instantly. Other parts of remote viewing are the ability to lock in on a site and observe what has and has not been achieved in construction or such. (documented by the FBI while I was serving as a inspector in the NYSPSC. These fellows kept an eye on me and reported everything including my ability with astrology.)

During the ride I was happy to introduce her to an experiential short lesson on affirmational holistic healing. I also pointed her to my other blogspot healing with love.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Here are two of my sweetest customers out to break a heart or two

...And have some fun while at it. They were fair with me and generous as they piled into my taxi. I could use some more of these nightly. They were fun loving, playful and some young man will have his hands full before the night.

In the winners circle...,

Must be a great moment and feeling when you know that you have just helped your team to feel equally as important and bolstered their spirits as they faced a good competitor in a game. I know that this little filly will make not only hearts spin, but perhaps make a few heads turn as well as she cheers her team on to win!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

June 5th, 1989 and as lovely as they are at that age.

Born in Germany my young blonde client is defined as a #5 ruled by Mercury in Solar Numerology and being the birth date which rules the psyche or mind makes this one a communicator. In her early years offten speaking up to fast and falling over her statements, which in time she learns to slow down and feel the reassurance before make that statement. June ruled by 6 or Venus added to 5 gives her a heart number of 11 or a very spiritual heart felt communicator. the 9 of the year or martian number makes her a energetic individual through out her life and very often ready to spar with someone over a point of view.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Day with a friend named Kendra

Her mom came over for a healing today and brought her child Kendra!

Kendra is a very good artist and spent some time doing just that before she settled to do something on her lap top. Oh! There goes her phone on the lap top...., "Oh my God! it's the same person!!!"
She is a natural healer and has shown indications that she has more than just five senses. She once noted some strange numbers in the soap suds at her bath time. She asked her mom to note the numbers down and ask me about them. With my advise she played the numbers and won several hundred dollars. Which she put toward her school interest.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Taxi Fares

Best of friends and happy to ride into Albany for the night. These two are the happiest, noisiest girls I have ever met. they are already wound up when you meet them. They are always trying to get the price down. Had to pass up those invitations to Amsterdam. As tempting as they might have been.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Lunch at Milano's, Loudenville Plaza

Posted by PicasaThese are my friends Robin and Joelle who waitress the very fine dining at "Milano's."
In an atmosphere of Italian flavor and decor, a delightful sense of peace and quiet with warm friendliness of the Italian personality.
You can't help but feel like returning back for more of the wonderful creations and taste of the chef and the warmth, care and attention of the waitresses and management.

Ramblings of a Moon Struck Holistic healer

I sincerely hope your enjoying the blog and its contents. Please take time to leave your comment
or E-mail me at:
Review my profile. I have more background than I care to list.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween is over and...,

Friday and Saturday night were active in downtown Albany. Most of the students of the local colleges did not come out for the night as they might have done on other weekends. My sweet friend Amanda tried her hand at the Envy Lounge selling wine and I understand she did well. Here at the right is one of my happy riders in my taxi.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Happy Halloween

Thought I saw you again - or at least someone who looked like you.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Love thise little faces

Ooooooh! Oooooooh! Ooooooooh!
You know your in for trouble here!
They are my neighborhood Entities, goblins and spooks!!! I cannot forget the time my student, who was a supervisor at a local bank until she learned my healing technique and is now working for a medical group, she sent me a gift of a entity that looked like the one on the left of the who knows what they are. Only it was in a black robe kind of like the small people in the star wars movie and the robes were lined with small rectangle like crystals every few inches on the lining. All you could see were a couple of white eye balls like little orphan anne and the rest was the robe and the crystals. It was not a good thing as it interrupted my activity. So I sent it far, far away.

Trick or Treat

I loved these outfits and those lovely faces. I wished I could have had such fun when I was a child. I was lucky to have dirt and clay marbles to play with.

Trick or Treat

You can't help but love this sweet warm and smiling face.

I keep her locked up for her own good. Not much that doesn't cross my mind with her -- she could heal a lot of hearts. I'm happy she spent this time healing mine. What did you do for Halloween. I bought Krause Candies and filled little bags for the kids. I would never give them candy that I did not like. Then I watched the program Phenonema that came on NBC and I feel it was outstanding.

Most people know little about the energy that was used by those who did the cutting of the deck and the twirling credit card. It was less than expected?! It was the over powering use of the Energy we have that we have not even fractured. This morning, I healed a little boy of an ear ache and it took a little cooperation from him and his mother. She followed my lead, asked him to place both hands, one on each ear and believe that a bright orange light was flowing across from one to the other and lighting up the inner side of the head as well. In an instant he felt a change. I asked his mother to ask him what he felt. He said, "Nothing!" I asked her to ask him if he felt any pain. He said, "No it just quit!" And the doctors could only prescribe an antibiotic. Reminds me of the little boy on my other blog that had stomach problems.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!
On my left Carly and Megan. Ummm-mh!

Meet my first love. On my right Katie and her Friends!
Little thought is given to the day of the angels that is just before the day of the dead or Halloween.