Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Place your hands in a prayer mode one against the other. Briskly rub them together and build up the heat and energy between them. Then move them apart and holding them in the same position feel the energy you have just built between them at 12 inches away, at 8 inches at 4 inches at two. Note the feeling of resistance or collapse between the two. Then bend the pointer of one hand and pointing at the palm of the other hand draw a square, a circle, a triangle a plus sign. slowly so that you are infact feeling for the energy of the other hand whis is pointing at it. When you can feel it, then point at it without movement and listen to your thoughts as they pulse in the palm or fingers of the hand that the finger is pointing at. Then when you feel that pulsing sensation place yourfingers over your shoulders as though your best friend was touching you and calming your fears. and say a quiet prayer like : "not my will but the will of love through me to "Bob, Sue or my concern," for the highes and best good. Thank You. So be it. Feel your self and see what differences were introduced as the result of your action.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Bringing about a ...end to the world situation!

Enjoy being with each other even as I enjoy my friends on my day off. Meditate often, If you cannot then use my method by affirmation.., at celestialwhisper.spaces.live.com This week it was birthday celebration time for two of the three and I was happy to give all three some money for helping me as well in my clean up of my abode and running me around shopping and making a payment at some local bank. We spent part of the time at Toy's R Us where they carefully went through at leisure all of two hours and finally decided on what to purchase all within what each had earned or received as a birthday gift. One had twelve, the other had twenty two and the third well, we could not quite figure at that moment. (Oh! We had just had lunch at the chinese place chosen by no less Mr. Nolan and the waitress came over and surprised them with cake and candle and a happy birthday song.) I knew their mom before she was married to a pretty special man. Today they have three children and recently the daughters mentioned that they felt their father would appreciate a bicycle. I liked my Schwinn, which never got used except that like some men are with cars, I spent a lot of time decorating it. So I gave it to them for their father, after speaking with their mom. I know he will get many hours of use as they ride in their new neighborhood. The oldest child converses with animals even as I converse with insects.., and healing of various situations, disease and discomforts. We do not get into wrestling with subject matter. We enjoy the sharing of the best each other has to offer. We could just come together and knit pic on all that is going around, but we choose to mind shift. We use the life energy healing traditions that all agree that our life force is conditioned that consciousness, the Merkaba as I explain on my christmas experience, brings into our life as one of our personalities. There are other personalities that we experience. Like our ego, influences of negative aliens from other dimensions, entities, negative disincarnate spirits, negative energies and demons. One lady I know has five personalities: one the consciousness, two the ego, three entities. One of which is always hurting her physically when she does not what it desired. I could remove them, but I am not permitted to until she desides to have them removed permanently. The psychiatry college realized and admitted that they had proved a case of true possession, wait till they recognized re-possession. They unlike me may try the avenues of the church. I simply ask the Source and wave my hand or order it out! One lady who experienced my removing demons from her, as her body shuddered "where does the recognized god enter into this picture?" To say the least, if your god needs to be worshiped and named in order to have power, then it is a demi-god and not the Source. The Source does not have a name and does not require worship. It would like you to get back to the original program you left to create a play that you felt more exciting to act out. Now your time has come to ask for a way out! Time to use an escape hatch to climb out of your storybook world. Meld and ground, realign and reconnect to the source. ( http://www.theheavenproject.net/ ) A couple of centuries ago, there was Jesus A. who was christed as was his mom and aunt and his cousin, John the Baptist. Today there is another..., a female. You really owe it to yourself to find out who she is and what she has to offer. Battling each other is not the answer. When you look at a movie and do not agree with what is going on, the way to change it is back at the film, not at the screen!
Our World View, our picture in life is substantially being disturbed, especially for scientist and religious people as they get a new view of life. Even the pope has had to admit that ET's being recognized does not diminish the religious belief of the Source. In the picture above your looking at the doorway of meditaton. Your putting out your question to the Uni-verse, the one child is always singing. Meditation on the spectrum of light in rainbow colors will allow you to hear your song. You have to be open minded and looking for the truth.
Our World View, our picture in life is substantially being disturbed, especially for scientist and religious people as they get a new view of life. Even the pope has had to admit that ET's being recognized does not diminish the religious belief of the Source. In the picture above your looking at the doorway of meditaton. Your putting out your question to the Uni-verse, the one child is always singing. Meditation on the spectrum of light in rainbow colors will allow you to hear your song. You have to be open minded and looking for the truth.
I am here your clue
Monday, June 30, 2008
My customer and me
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My Friend
Sunday, June 15, 2008
"Let Me Know When I Am Having Fun?!!"
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Graduation and my clients I love most came together at the same time...,
This one is a blessing in anybodies life. and is so silky smooth and loving. She takes the cake.
Hi from my love she has me on her mind all week, as i have her on mine. To say the least she is every thing a man could desire. Fun, Loving and all sensual emotion and movements. She is constantly dancing to the music on the radio. I am totally in love with all my customers They are the best. I have no problems with them and often they let me know their feelings and thoughts as well as their well wishes. I know that they are as I know them to be...., 
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Today is the first time when the temperatures reach 70 and it feels more like spring....
... and I certainly hope your into getting out and experiencing it to the fullest. I certainly am and you know it will be with a special family, friends of mine whom i enjoy having breakfast or lunch with and shopping about the different cities around Albany, Latham up to and including Saratoga. Enjoy!!!
loveliest SUNY Girl I could find tonight...,
This is the sweetest, most joy filled, talkative young lady that rode in my cab tonight. She expressed herself with ease, comfort, confidence and could easily be termed Ms. Congeniality. I know she and I touched on subjects that she was moved by. I could see that she was emotionally touched in a good way. She left the taxi smiling and waving good-bye. XXX
Sunday, April 20, 2008
My Love and Delight--Now leaving for the real world
She smiles warmly as we touch on the past times that we have had together. She filled my life and cab with love, emotions, warmth, friends and loved ones through out her years as a student. She is thinking with eagerness, the welcome changes that are ahead of her as she will be leaving the college soon. I know I will miss her very more so than I care to admit. I have come to love every moment i have spent driving her and her friends back and forth to different events and places these past years.
She is deep and quiet as thoughts flow in and out. She is a beautiful girl, a wonderful woman. She looks so Native Ameican as I watch her, with her long beautiful hair and the gentle sloping of her facial form. I welcome the way she looks at me and her eyes sparkle like diamonds as her smile forms a deep and natural feeling of emotion and tenderness like a caress. I hope she will always look at me in this same way open and eager to engage in conversation with love filling every moment of her expressions.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Love My SUNY Kids
My Favorite SUNY Customers List began with these two.
Dedicated, Patient, Fun Loving Attitudes and lots of Joy! To say the least ever supportive especially when i am in a having a problem with control 0f a situation in loading the taxi. They pop into the situation and "take control!" Love Them Both. As a thanks I have an open invite for them to lunch or dinner. At my favorite mexican restraunte.
My Love and Delight is my favorite customer
Love this girl. Never a sweeter customer than this one. She sets up her requirements and orders in a way that is most appealing, welcome and thorough. She is patient and loving and beyond. She can ask anything and I would die trying to achieve her request. In life I wish her the best and most that Love can give to her. (are those eyes or lights in the window background?) left click will enlarge the photo.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Perfect Moment
What if you did not have to review the past? What if you did not have to think about tomorrow?
Just live in that perfect moment. Have you ever had a moment in time that you wish would last forever? That is what Heaven is like.
Each of you carries his or her part of the puzzle that makes the complete state of Heaven. Without one of you the state of Heaven is not complete. The darkside promises much, but delivers nothing in that it has sworn to kill each of you so that your part will not be there. You have much to learn and nothing new. You must learn to forgive yourself! To Love Your Self even as The Source Loves You. You came with all knowingness and you were prepared to maintain your connection to Source, but you were not loved by One Third of Heaven's Offspring. They plotted against you. Their intent is clear. To have you feel guilty to even cross over when you leave this life, not to die, but to fear exposure. Then what ever love you experienced you would not be able to cross over. You would remain to possess others trying to relive and change your nature. Not knowing that you would only contribute to the demise of the being you inhabited. and such would continue the saga of perpetuation of death and destruction. The extinction of planet earth. Suicide will not end this death cycle of fear, it will keep you from crossing over and when there are no more souls to possess, the cycle comes to an end. The dark side uses negative aliens, entities, energies, spirits and demons. You may see some if you scroll down to my Christmas Present to you. You must be willing to give up your personal story book creation of success. You cried comparison of black and white, high and low, good and bad, crying for leaders,you got them. You cried for judges and you got them, and gods and you got them. In this story book you created and are responsible for it although, you have not brought balance to it. Your in the tale end of your story rushing to finish it with little desire to claim responsibility for it.
You ask Gods to take responsibility for your creations. They are the figments of your fertile imagination. When you stop believing in them, they lose their power as did the elfs, sprites and leprechauns in Ireland, and the gods of Greece etc, etc. And as they dissolve into the nothingness, you are left to face up to your demise. Those that might take responsibility remain quiet and unmoving as they feel it impossible to throw off the weight of what you have brought about, by action or non-action. Why do you not join us at http://theheavenproject.net we require your assistance. Your love, your ticket to the other side in your hand. Bringing heaven to earth requires an upgrade of consciousness. Not another gang of government leaders preying on your fears and leading you onto temporary solutions. Just like the movie you watch, if you desire to change any part of it, it must be at the film side and not the projection.
Just live in that perfect moment. Have you ever had a moment in time that you wish would last forever? That is what Heaven is like.
Each of you carries his or her part of the puzzle that makes the complete state of Heaven. Without one of you the state of Heaven is not complete. The darkside promises much, but delivers nothing in that it has sworn to kill each of you so that your part will not be there. You have much to learn and nothing new. You must learn to forgive yourself! To Love Your Self even as The Source Loves You. You came with all knowingness and you were prepared to maintain your connection to Source, but you were not loved by One Third of Heaven's Offspring. They plotted against you. Their intent is clear. To have you feel guilty to even cross over when you leave this life, not to die, but to fear exposure. Then what ever love you experienced you would not be able to cross over. You would remain to possess others trying to relive and change your nature. Not knowing that you would only contribute to the demise of the being you inhabited. and such would continue the saga of perpetuation of death and destruction. The extinction of planet earth. Suicide will not end this death cycle of fear, it will keep you from crossing over and when there are no more souls to possess, the cycle comes to an end. The dark side uses negative aliens, entities, energies, spirits and demons. You may see some if you scroll down to my Christmas Present to you. You must be willing to give up your personal story book creation of success. You cried comparison of black and white, high and low, good and bad, crying for leaders,you got them. You cried for judges and you got them, and gods and you got them. In this story book you created and are responsible for it although, you have not brought balance to it. Your in the tale end of your story rushing to finish it with little desire to claim responsibility for it.
You ask Gods to take responsibility for your creations. They are the figments of your fertile imagination. When you stop believing in them, they lose their power as did the elfs, sprites and leprechauns in Ireland, and the gods of Greece etc, etc. And as they dissolve into the nothingness, you are left to face up to your demise. Those that might take responsibility remain quiet and unmoving as they feel it impossible to throw off the weight of what you have brought about, by action or non-action. Why do you not join us at http://theheavenproject.net we require your assistance. Your love, your ticket to the other side in your hand. Bringing heaven to earth requires an upgrade of consciousness. Not another gang of government leaders preying on your fears and leading you onto temporary solutions. Just like the movie you watch, if you desire to change any part of it, it must be at the film side and not the projection.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Some of you have been blessed to have had me give you a quick synopsis of your birth, month and date and the numerological meaning of the figures. Now check this out and learn for yourself and with practice you also can see if a person is right for you.
Some of you have been blessed to have had me give you a quick synopsis of your birth, month and date and the numerological meaning of the figures. Now check this out and learn for yourself and with practice you also can see if a person is right for you.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Join Us In A Moment of Happiness
Monday, February 4, 2008
My Favorite Guy...,
Touch of Love and Friendship
Just a moment between friends to express their love and joy in sharing a brunch special at Denny's. Me on the left, Mr. Nolan on my left and across the table - Ms Know it All at the far end of the table, Their Mom, Who feels I come across as a know it all. and my favorite Red Haired Mermaid, with the rosy cheeks and a stern aware of your not so hidden thoughts as they stand out like becons.
left click twice on the picture to enlarge
Love them with all my heart and look forward to a couple of hours with them once a week. After which we went to the library and then Stewart's for desert and then home. Mr. Nolan let me know how much he missed me and how much he looked forward to being with me once again. My mermaid let me know that they all enjoy sitting with me although she also enjoys the room of the long tables when eating. It is more comfortable.
Love them with all my heart and look forward to a couple of hours with them once a week. After which we went to the library and then Stewart's for desert and then home. Mr. Nolan let me know how much he missed me and how much he looked forward to being with me once again. My mermaid let me know that they all enjoy sitting with me although she also enjoys the room of the long tables when eating. It is more comfortable.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I Creator of My Reality In This Story Book World
dream heaven campaign
the middle east - This one describes the levels where we came from to our reality
the river of love - My Favorite!
living the heavenly way
Visit tnd listen to the teachings that have given many a new way of life.
dream heaven campaign
the middle east - This one describes the levels where we came from to our reality
the river of love - My Favorite!
living the heavenly way
Visit tnd listen to the teachings that have given many a new way of life.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Let me test your awareness!
What is it that the Clintons are most afraid - of 3 things....,
give up?!
Osama, Obama and O'ma'ma!!!
give up?!
Osama, Obama and O'ma'ma!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
My Tour Comes To An End For This Night...2007 and enter 2008,
This is Kasey and her friend, they are both beautiful, young and playful. Kasey would top my desire list and if Santa would--Ummm! Kasey--You know where to reach me Yellow has only one Holistic Healer in this line of work.

My tour comes to an end for this night, but not without meeting new friends that will call me for a cab ride during the coming year. Fond Memories of friends I have made tonight and moments of tenderness in saying "Good Night!"
My tour comes to an end for this night, but not without meeting new friends that will call me for a cab ride during the coming year. Fond Memories of friends I have made tonight and moments of tenderness in saying "Good Night!"
To Casey and A..., Thanks for the kiss and your words of "I am in Love..," Your lovingness and kiss made my New Years Eve something special." I am here for a special reason.., to help the universe reawaken to their purpose and heritage. You cannot take over to your next point of experience the things and feelings of anxiety or stress etc,, it is the joy of emotional relations that your going to take over with you, not the fear of death. In fact you have to let go of fear totally. The only thing that matters is how much you put into this world, how much you cared and to those whom you made a difference in their life. You pull to gether the cohesive loving spiritual unit. It is about listening that shares the caring and be their live with them..., as I was with you. Love you forever Casey. -- michael
You are Loved and appreciated
I Am In Love!
They Come In All Sizes, Beauty and Shapes
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